Versatile and Trustworthy uPVC Windows & Doors from Seccurit

security mesh doors in bangalore

People who plan to build their dream always look for the best options in door and window frames. Security brings to you the most versatile styles in uPVC windows and doors to Thrissur, the cultural capital of Kerala.


Securit provides the best quality products. Their uPVC windows and doors are made of 100% pure Gavanized Iron which looks elegant from outside but is also immensely strong providing maximum security to our homes.

What is the price of uPVC Doors and Windows in Thrissur?

The price range of different styles of uPVC windows available in Thrissur district is given below. 

  • Modern window with width of 5 * 6 feet – starting from Rs.325 per sq.ft 
  • Open window – Starting from Rs.400 per sq.ft 
  • Double glazed window – Starting from Rs.480 per sq.ft 
  • Standard Rectangle center window – starting from Rs.5,300 per piece 
  • Sliding window – Starting from Rs.300 per sq.ft 
  • Sliding 4 * 6 feet window – Rs.350 per piece 
  • French window – Starting from Rs.350 per sq.ft 
  • Arch window – Starting from Rs.900 per sq.ft 
  • Casement window – Starting from Rs.400 per sq.ft 
  • Hinged openable window – Starting from Rs.500 per sq.ft

What are the security features of uPVC windows?

uPVC windows have many security features which make them the most preferred material for window and door frames.

  • Galvanized Iron – uPVC window is made of 100% Galvanized Iron which gives maximum security to houses. It is so tough that it is nearly impossible to break in. 
  • Airtight – uPVC windows are normally airtight when locked. So it is naturally a noise canceller for the house. 
  • Single or Multi locking system – uPVC windows do have a single or multi security lock system installed to the frame for maximum security.
  •  Heat tempered glass – This type of processed glass when broken only shatters into tiny pebble like pieces which results in no injury to people.

How Energy Efficient are uPV windows?

uPVC windows are made of Galvanized Iron which is mainly recyclable. So it is environmentally friendly. It reduces greenhouse emissions to a greater level compared to other materials used to make window frames.  uPVC windows are very efficient to reduce heat in the summer and also keep the interiors warm in winters. So it reduces extra energy being used to heat and cool the interiors.