European uPVC Windows & Doors Technology in Malappuram

security windows

Seccuritis bringing a new delight for house owners or those who are planning for a dream home and that is European uPVC windows and door technology. From elegance tto utmost security, uPVC windows and doors are the best option for your home.


Securitis committed towards providing the best quality products to their customers. uPVC windows are made from 100% Galvanized Iron which gives maximum security with maximum strength.

Can mosquito mesh be fixed to uPVC windows?

Mosquito Mesh can be fitted to different styles of uPVC windows like sliding windows, toilet ventilators, 2 or 3 track panel windows.

What are the styles of uPVC Windows Available in Malappuram?

The different styles of uPVC windows available in Malappuram district are

  • Casement 
  • Sliding 
  • Tilt & turn 
  • Three track panel 
  • Soundproof 
  • Toilet Ventilation 
  • French,Bay/ Arch 
  • Folding

Are uPVC Double Glazed Windows and Doors UV resistant?

As the name suggests, it is double glazed which means it will be having more thickness. It will naturally give more protection from UV rays. So the interiors will be cooler in summers.